Saturday, June 16, 2007

15th june

You had your first immunization shots today. You seem to have taken it okay. I opened the window today... oops dont tell Nani! hopefully no mosquitoes entered! We also went to visit Dr. Milan our favourite gp to show mums hand and parade you. You loved both activities - being outside in the fresh air. It was the first time you've been awake and not wanting to feed , very happy to move around. When you get home, trust me we will do lots of walkabouts. Mum has decided to stay till July 15th so you will see a lot less of me darling as I have to get moving on my work. I promise you we will bond big time when you get here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Aader,
This is your Kaushik Mama here. I guess your Pa and Mum have not introduced me in your story yet. But I was too curious to know about you, and so, took address of your home on the internet from your Jimu Mamu. I am excited to see your pictures, and am hoping to meet you in person soon.
Wishing you good health and happy life always.
Lots of love,
Amishi Mami and Kaushik Mama