Thursday, August 2, 2007

week 3

Dearest son, Its 11 pm and you are wide awake in my lap, its way, way, waaay, past your bedtime. Ma is totally exhausted looking after you the whole day and is now taking a nap. Whilst you my darling puked on me and then followed it up a brilliant smile...probably seeing my reaction! You are quite the grossuu boy, farting, burping and putting anything in sight into your mouth. We have pretty much formed a routine now which starts with you getting up twice a night sometimes thrice to be fed by ma, by about 6 am you are with me we go to the front room and do masti till you are hungry, after your feed we try and read the papers...during which you invariably doze off! Get up poop and watch me make funny faces cleaning you up.
Then comes your maalish and bath which you have been very good about the last few days otherwise you in wake up the building howl. Then I go off to work and you give ma a tough time by constantly being hungry and not sleeping at all. I wonder who you got that from;)! Just saw/heard you having a conversation with your best friend the i guess all is good!

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